Ballroom Newsletter, Siskiyou County & Northern California – November 26th 2024

Dear All,


We will definitely be holding class this week, according to all the weather reports.  Of course, they (the weather folk) don’t have a reputation for accuracy about the weather . . . who knows how right they will be about our classes?  We shall (all) see.

Thank you for your patience with us for missing classes last week.  It wasn’t until Friday that we finally managed to completely dig ourselves out.  But out we are and out we’ll stay (until the next onslaught {or, as in the case of last week, the “onslaughter”}).

So, one last shot at the Waltz this week (no Cha-cha on Thursday).  Be sure to come to your pre-emptive strike against the caloric intake that is Thanksgiving (aka Wednesday night dance class) and get a jump on the post-holiday calorie-reducing panic.  You won’t regret it for that and a thousand other reasons.

Of course, since next month (December) one of the dances is going to be Viennese Waltz (a real calorie burner if ever there was one) on Wednesday nights, you really have nothing to worry about (as long as you come to December classes, that is). Bear in mind that Christmas falls on a Wednesday this year, so on the last Wednesday of December, classes will not be able to be held.  All the more reason to make sure you come to the first three.

The Thursday night class in December is going to be Nightclub Two Step, always a favorite.  We look forward to mixing in new steps that you haven’t yet had with the perennial favorites in which we’re sure you will all be craving a brief refresher course.  And with a full four Thursdays, good times for all!

Join us this week and next month.  We look forward to seeing you in class each and every day (make that “we look forward each and every day to seeing you in class” – a subtle but more accurate difference).


Cheers and happy Holidays,


Rick and Peggy Nixon


530) 853-4147 /   415)215-2652 (cell) 


(Weekly Class schedule listed below.)






The Mountain Fitness Center (South):

1630 South Mt. Shasta Blvd, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 (back parking lot is best, as the dance studio is a mere two steps from the back door)   

Wed.  November 27th            WALTZ                                               6:45 – 7:45pm     

Thur. November 28th            No Class (Tell it to the Turks!)       6:45 – 7:45pm


                                        CURRENT RATES

             Group Class Rates                                                             

$10 Single Class            ($10.00/class)                                                                                      

$25 Four class Card      ($6.25/class)                                       

$50 Eight Class Card    ($6.25/class)                                                                                 

$60 Ten Class Card      ($6.00/class)     


Private Lesson(s) Rates    


$30     Half-hour Private Lesson ($25 at four per month or more)

$60     One Hour Private Lesson (one per month or fewer)

$50     One Hour Private Lesson (two per month or more)

Hour Lessons may be divided into two ½ hour sessions at half the hourly rate each.