Ballroom Newsletter, Siskiyou County & Northern California – December 23rd 224

Dear All,


It is Christmas week and we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas (well I’ll be darned: it looks like we just did!) along with all of the other Greetings of the Season (you remember the list: a Happy Hannukah, a Kwazy Kwanza; to which, let us add a Salubrious Saturnalia and a Lovely St. Lucia’s Day {plus any others we are sure to have, through our ignorance, left out})!

I know it is a terrible Christmas present, but we have come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interest of all if we did not hold Thursday’s class (on the 26th) this week so there will be no classes at all on the days surrounding Christmas.  Some will find it a blessing (others, a curse {which leads us to remind you all of the old, old saying: “Every blessing a secret curse; every curse a secret blessing”.  More on that next week in our “best-hope-for-a-New-Year” message in the first newsletter of 2025).

So, for those of you who were counting on our class to use as an excuse to justify a hasty departure from family gatherings that may (or may not) border on the uncomfortable, we apologize.  And for those of you who would have had to effect a hasty departure from family gatherings that are salubrious (there’s that word again!) and enjoyable who now get to spend extra time with your loved ones: you are welcome!

Be sure to come to classes next week (well, next Thursday the 2nd as Mt. Fitness will be closed on the 1st) for a lovely Bolero (as if there were any other kind).  Those holiday calories aren’t going to dance themselves off, you know.

Celebrate and be merry and we will see you next year.




Rick and Peggy Nixon


530) 853-4147 /   415)215-2652 (cell) 


(Weekly Class schedule listed below.)






The Mountain Fitness Center (South):

1630 South Mt. Shasta Blvd, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 (back parking lot is best, as the dance studio is a mere two steps from the back door)   

Wed.  December 25th                        No Class                             6:45 – 7:45pm     

Thur. December 26th                         No Class                            6:45 – 7:45pm


                                        CURRENT RATES

             Group Class Rates                                                             

$10 Single Class            ($10.00/class)                                                                                      

$25 Four class Card      ($6.25/class)                                       

$50 Eight Class Card    ($6.25/class)                                                                                 

$60 Ten Class Card      ($6.00/class)     


Private Lesson(s) Rates    


$30     Half-hour Private Lesson ($25 at four per month or more)

$60     One Hour Private Lesson (one per month or fewer)

$50     One Hour Private Lesson (two per month or more)

Hour Lessons may be divided into two ½ hour sessions at half the hourly rate each.


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